A journey through life xoxo

White and Red Flower during Day Time

Every flower, every leaf, every tree,every raindrop, every star and every  animal is different. What more of you the individual with a proven higher intellectual capacity?

Oftentimes we have allowed ourselves to become blind-sided by the accomplishments and achievements of others that we loose sight of ourselves. We loose our self identity and personality in the unending cycle of wishing we become more than what we innately are.

Who is responsible for this? Partly the individual, but it would be unfair to entirely blame  the individual for this phenomenon. Our society as it is, has in some way conditioned us to always want more, consume more, buy more, become more, achieve more and dream more. Technically speaking, these wants are not bad, but they create more thirst instead of satisfaction.  With these man made acquisitions,we can never be truly satisfied. An equilibrium point can never be met.

This constant search…

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